Date: 2009.
Product: eBay Diamond Ring Designer. A configurator that empowers a buying process specific to diamonds.
Product: eBay Diamond Ring Designer. A configurator that empowers a buying process specific to diamonds.
A differentiated (vertical) customer experience for buying diamonds and engagement rings - offers a premium shopping experience for certified diamonds, on par with the best in the class of online retailers. Over 12,000 certified diamonds and over 900 ring settings available at launch.
The Diamond Ring Designer application was a rich learning opportunity for all stakeholders involved: Inventory On boarding, Catalog, Categories, Search, RTM, Paid Search, Natural Search, Experimentation, View Item, Check Out, My eBay, Customer Service, Seller Communication, Analytics, Business Development / Supplier Relationship Management, and Legal.
Diamonds project set a significant platform milestone in eBays exploration of verticals and differentiated customer experiences. Diamonds pilot was a poster child for the next generation technology stack Application Services Platform.
I developed the initial concept and designs. I have a patent filling for the Diamond Configurator design for providing a unique experience in online diamond buying.
The Diamond Ring Designer application was a rich learning opportunity for all stakeholders involved: Inventory On boarding, Catalog, Categories, Search, RTM, Paid Search, Natural Search, Experimentation, View Item, Check Out, My eBay, Customer Service, Seller Communication, Analytics, Business Development / Supplier Relationship Management, and Legal.
Diamonds project set a significant platform milestone in eBays exploration of verticals and differentiated customer experiences. Diamonds pilot was a poster child for the next generation technology stack Application Services Platform.
I developed the initial concept and designs. I have a patent filling for the Diamond Configurator design for providing a unique experience in online diamond buying.

Start page. Focus on communicating the wall-guarded experience, with extra requirements to sellers as only certified diamonds, returns accepted, proof of origin, free shipping.

Stone selection. Options for shapes and the 4Cs. The tray on the top allows collection of multiple stones at once.

Settings selection. Each setting has two views, an angled one and a front one on roll-over. The tray on the top allows collection of multiple stones at once.

After selecting stones and settings, the user is directed back to the home page, that becomes an 'equation' configurator.

Users can change stones and settings in the 'equation', generating a dynamic new result.

We discovered uses buy diamond rings in a very different way than other products at eBay. The design empowers their buying process, with multiple choices competing at the same time, saving it for later and enabling sharing with peers for help on the decision making.